Today, we are leaving
Friday, November 12, 2010
My Trip to San Diego: Day Five
My Trip to San Diego: Day Four
Today, we went to
anywhere around it. We then tried to fink some restaurant that was open, but we only found one. So without a choice, we ate there. I ate a pretzel while my mom and my dad ate a muffin. I loved the pretzel, although it was a bit too salty for my taste. It left my tongue strangely numb. However, after a few minutes, the feeling all vanished. We also bought a souvenir cup. It was a red portable coffee cup, and it said
To go on the balloon safari, we had to buy special tickets. After buying the tickets, my dad and I went on it. My mom didn’t want to go because she was afraid of heights. I thought that was too bad because there was an awesome view up there. I thought that I could be able to see all the way to
My Trip to San Diego: Day Three
Today I went to Sea World. I was all tired and bleary when I woke up. I was jolted awake when I splashed cold water onto my face. I then went to Subway to get a hamburger and set off to Sea World.
We went into Sea World a few minutes earlier. MISTAKE. We were stuck there in the middle of the U.S.A anthem; it was an awkward situation since I didn’t even know the words. If I didn’t, well, so didn’t my parents. So we were acting all polite and we took off our hats, and lip-sang. I bet we looked really pathetic, with the suitcase and us not even knowing the words. We also had to wait there a little more because we were too early and the only thing that was open was the Skytower, and it was nothing fancy at that. After waiting a few minutes, everything finally opened.
First thing we went to was the Wild Arctic. That was a ride. It was actually pretty fun, but it was too short in my point of view. It was an imitation of a helicopter ride through the “wild arctic.” When we got off, it was really chilly. It was cold, but a good change from the boiling hot outside. I was chilled to the bone at the end, but it was worth it. I got to see all sorts of animals I wouldn’t see everyday. For example, I saw a walrus, and I also saw a polar bear. It was so close that it my hand could penetrate the glass, I could have touched it. I wanted to reach out and stroke it. Then, we walked out into the piercing and blinding light. We stood there, trying to adjust to the light. When I finally adjusted, I walked toward the penguin exhibit. There, I saw two dozen penguins either wobbling around or gliding in the water. They looked so cute and innocent that I wanted to pick one up (well, they were right in front of me, it wouldn’t be hard to just scoop one up would it?) and cuddle it. We then advanced toward the Penguin Encounter. In there were 300 penguins! There were ones basking in the dim light, others were waddling around, and yet, others were gliding -flying- in the water. We advanced on and saw some peculiar penguins. They flap their wings in water, adding a burst of speed into their already fast gliding. They looked like small pelicans, except their beaks were way smaller. They had bulking bodies, yet they didn’t see affected by it at all. We then forged on to the shark encounter, which wasn’t a far walk from here. When we went in, we were engulfed in a tunnel and there were sharks swimming around us. I thought: if one of the pipes break, we are in HUGE trouble! I bet one of the sharks would eat us! Gulp! It wasn’t a pleasant thought…
After that exhibit, we passed the stadium for Sea Lions Rock! and we also passed the freshwater aquarium. We stayed a little while to see the flamingo cove, but we had already seen flamingos at the
My Trip to San Diego: Day two
Today, I went to the San Diego Zoo. I found out that it was a huge zoo the moment I went in. This was proved as when I was done doing my rounds around the zoo, I thought my legs were going to break off…
When my family and I when to buy our tickets, we chose one that enabled us to go to Sea World, the San Diego Wild Animal Safari and the San Diego Zoo. Then, before venturing inside, we decided to buy a backstage pass. This pass allows you to sit in the front row seat on the bus tour, sit in the priority sitting place of shows (two, specifically: Take Flight and Sea Lions Rock), and venture backstage and interact with some animals. I will tell you more about the backstage pass later on.
The first thing my eye wandered to, the dominant thing was the bus tour. It is really easy to spot, as the vehicle was large, added to the fact that it was right in front of the entrance. It was a two story bus, huge. Its width was quite significant. It was open-topped so, it was a bad idea to sit on the top if it were to rain. As we didn’t expect it to rain, we sat at the top. This was a good choice most of the time because the animal was usually resting somewhere where we could see it from a bird’s view or we were eye-level to it. I took some photos there, but most of them I didn’t because I was too absorbed looking around rather than taking the photo. Some on memory and some not, I saw quite a large amount of animals. Some animals are: elephants, monkeys, giraffes, a hog, flamingos, ducks, birds, and meerkats (OMG, aren’t they cute!)…
So, after the bus ride, we were on foot. The zoo is split into nine main parts: discovery outpost, urban jungle, African rocks, outback, polar rim, and elephant odyssey. You can guess what a lot of them are about when you see the title. For example, when you read ‘elephant Odyssey,’ you can assume that it is going to exhibit elephants. However, places like outback are a little harder. Outback is where you see koalas and wallabies and camels! We had rounded all of that (well, almost) when we decided to go to the place where the backstage thingy was happening. During the time that we were waiting, we decided to take a look at the meerkats. I swear that I could pass my whole entire day just watching those funny little creatures! Their lying positions are absolutely ridiculous! They look like they are trying to sun tan their backs! It looks like they are saying: “I’m too tired to pose for the camera, so don’t photograph me…”! It is simply so amusing! Others stand and ‘pose’ (stand up straight in a begging position) for the camera! What are they? Fashion models? Sometimes, I really wonder what is going across an animal’s head when they do something. I also got to feed the giraffe. I could hardly believe how long their tongues were! They were like three inches long! They just snatch the food pellet out of your hand and munch munch, it goes down the digestive track. I really liked feeding the giraffe, so I wanted to do more. Well, wish came true!
We lined up for the backstage pass thingy and when the keeper finally came, we were split into teams. There was the blue team and the green team. I was in the blue team and same for my mom. My dad didn’t go in because we only bought two passes and I chose my mom to go with me only because I knew she didn’t want to go and that whe was afraid of the animals. Otherwise, I would have chosen my dad (as he is better at taking pictures than Mom). So, the animals… We saw a kookaburra and tempted it to cry. We made this thee-thee noise to tempt it. You put your mouth into an o shape and then you kind of separate the tongue and the upper part of your mouth at the same time. It is kind out hard to explain. The zoo keepers also introduced some kind of beaver. I thought it was a wood chomper. When it came onto the stage, it was eating a banana. It left some on the floor when it left. The next visitor, a wolf being tamed by a dog (my mom thought it was the wolf’s food when she saw the dog lying there) went and sniffed at it! I thought that that was pretty funny. Well, most the people did. After the wolf (which we took pictures with) went, then came a cheetah being tamed by a dog. We also took pictures with that one, too. We also saw this big black bird that had a long curved beak. We saw what it does to a lizard (boy, I wouldn’t want to be that lizard for anything!). First, it grabs it by the neck, and then it starts swinging it all around. It is proved that that black bird isn’t the sharpest pencil in the pencil box when the keeper states that it has been trying to kill it for the past three years! We then change with the green group and go to feed and pet (and brush) the rhinoceros. At first, my mom didn’t want to try to feed the rhino, but eventually she fed them. They have an unusual texture in their mouths and two big molars. They have a scaly skin and they have their personal cool shade. It you slip your hands into the folds, it will be really cool. Finally, we got to brush them with these big floor brushes. They were blue and kind of proved as a scratcher. Finally, after washing my hands several times, we finally left. By that time, I sincerely wanted to be a zoo keeper. All the fabulous animals you get to meet! We went to this private box place and we met two animals. I started with the anteater and then the flamingos.
One of the zoo keepers fetched an anteater. Did you know that anteaters prefer ants’ eggs to ants? That came of a surprise to me as I had always believed that anteaters ate ants only due to the name! However, sometimes names lie and this was one of the times. I touched the anteater’s fur while it was eating jam. It was very matted and raggedy. It felt sleek though, too. We then went to feed the flamingos.
We got a cup for every two people, but since I was paired up with my mom and she didn’t want to feed them, I fed all of the food. The food is food pellets soaked in water. You want to keep the cup down so the water doesn’t splatter all over you. It feels strong (the pulls) when they eat. If you don’t hold on tight, you might have a spill. Did you know that if a flamingo pecks at you, it means that they are trying to groom you? Also, they get their pink colour from all the shrimp they eat! I was really amazed by how many flamingos there were and how fast they ate (probably even faster than me!).
Finally, the backstage was over and we all made our way to the restaurant in the mall we were going to eat at. After eating, we shopped a little and got a dress for me. Now I am too tired and am going to sleep. Good night. To make a longer story short, today was an awesome day and I hope tomorrow will be as good as we venture at Sea World.
My Trip to San Diego: Day One
Face it, waking up at
I woke up about the time when the airplane was about to come to land and land. When we finally landed, we were surprised that the exit off the plane was the same way that people get on the plane. I wasn’t used to that because in
We arrived at the hotel, Sheraton. However, when we were about to check in, we found out that we were in the other ward, not this ward. The difference between the two buildings was the rooms. They said that it was bigger in the other building. I don’t think I would actually mind if the room was a little smaller, though. I also thought it would have been nice if the people would actually give a heads up! sign. They could have given us a phone call, at the least. Finally, we got to our room. We set all our things up and settled down. Then, disaster struck. The shower didn’t work! So my dad called down to the front desk. They sent us a ‘plumber’, but he couldn’t fix it. So, we had to move all our stuff! I nearly fell into my bed dafter that! So, that was my tired yet very interesting day!