Bridie is lost. Bridie is confused. Bridie is surprised. And Bridie is helped. Not necessarily in that order...
As Bridie travels through the sinister and cold streets of the eerie city that she has come across, Bridie seems to find the help and friendship she needs in the unlikeliest places! As she travels through places she and her 'upright' Aunt Dolly would have never thought 'proper', she finds herself being useful to the Byzantium Bazaar, the home of many animals without homes! As she comes across the wicked Crickbones twins whom have taken over her grandfather's yard and forced him from his home! As Bridie travels around looking for him, she seems to make friends with everything she comes across- even the animals she comes to take care of! Most important of all is Shah of the Byzantium Bazaar. As Amos and Deakin make things complicated for Bridie and her new-found friends, it's up to Bridie to make them right and restore order to the world she knew before.
Stephen Elboz creates a world of mystery and sinister energy. As Bridie plows on and on through the cluster of deep troubles that block her way to her grandfather, she seems to finally understand the true meaning of friendship, loyalty, and trust.
*** I give this book a 9.5 out of 10! Amazing book...***