I am Number Four is a novel about a boy from the planet of Lorien- one of the nine people that were sent to Earth when the battle was raging in Lorien and Loriens were loosing. Their last hope. They came to Earth in hope of peace, yet the enemy follows, hunting them each by each. Number Four, also known as John Smith, is next to die. He is number four. And Number Three, Two, and One, are already dead. They can all only be killed in order as long as they remain apart from each other, away. Yet that may just make them weaker, less strong. Maybe being together is what they need the most right now. Yet there are risks- big risks.
Four finds a lot of friends in the unlikeliest of places, in the unlikeliest of peoples, and even so, many miracles. Finding the father in Henri and finding that his dog, Bernie Kosar, is a chimaera is the easy part. Trying to make the right decision all the time is what is really hard. And the wrong choice may destroy him any time, any day. So, he better be pretty careful about who to trust. 'Cause bad guys can act good for some time as well. Then again, good guys can be bad. It all matters on him. However, Four has legacies, as so do all of the others. So does Six. With the Magadorians on their trail, hungry for distruction, choices are limited. However, there are some.
***I give this book a 8.6 out of 10...***