Many of us have seen this particular poster all over the place. I know I definitely have! So on November the 1st, when it first came out, I got myself over to the theater to watch it- after all, I had been enthusing about it for forever. This movie and Catching Fire were one of my many highlights to look forward to in November!
Ender's Game, full of Andrew "Ender" Wiggin's emotional and physical problems, is a compelling movie full of action. Based on the science fiction book by Orson Scott Card, it is said to have followed the book's plot line (the major points, anyhow), unlike the Percy Jackson movies. It is definitely a movie that's worthwhile watching, and Ender, as a child genius, is an intricate and interesting character, as you will be able to see from watching the movie- dealing with a psychopathic brother by the name of Peter Wiggin, and many bullies. Starring Asa Butterfield, also known as Hugo from the Invention of Hugo Cabret, Ender`s Game is one of the must-see movies which are coming out in November!
However, every movie has it's faults, right? Ender was originally supposed to be 6 years old. To start with, he acts much too sophisticated to be a 6 year old... Not to mention that he looks to be around 10... Also, if he was 6, I would think that he wouldn't have that strong of a will- even genies have a capacity of how much they can stand without cracking. He was pretty much a 10 year old, with the mind of a 20 year old- he was way way way too sophisticated! Another thing which bugged me was the ending- it left me with two thoughts about the movie: 'What'll the sequel be like?' and '...What...? Seriously???'
Even with the few faults, it's a great movie, and I thoroughly enjoyed watching it, as it was very entertaining. I recommend it to people who enjoy science fiction, and enjoy action! It carries the strong personality of Ender Wiggin and his loyal companions, alongside his loving sister, Valentine Wiggin, and his many mentors and teachers!
***I give this book an 8.2 out of 10***