Hi everyone!
This is just a notice that I will be changing my blog's URL to theubb.blogspot.com in a week or so ( September somethingeth ). Therefore, keep an eye out for the URL change, or you can find me by typing in The United Blogdom of Booklovers on Google!
Thanks for stopping by!
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Thursday, August 28, 2014
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
Ah, yes. Maggie Stiefvater. I picked this book up because I had decided that I didn't really mind romance stories by Maggie Stiefvater that much (after the Shiver series), and I was interested to see what all this buzz about The Raven Boys was about.
Some people may disagree with me, yet I didn't especially like this book. Actually, I think it would be pretty accurate to say that it completely lost me. By the middle of the book I felt like I was in the labyrinth. By the end of the book I was just too mad to care about what happened to Blue and Gansey and Adam and whatever. This was my mentality: '....what? .....What??? ....WHAT? Wait what whatever, this book doesn't even make sense. Rage-quit...' What have I got to say about myself? Ah well. What have I got to say about the book? Just, whatever.
I'm not going to say this book was terrible. Many people like it after all, and I'm not one to dictate what books people should like and dislike. But I didn't like it. So no flames please, just because I don't like it doesn't mean I'm going around looking for an argument with someone who does. I just found the plot very disorganized, the characters flat, and the story very mildly interesting. To say the least, it was a disappointment from Shiver.
Maggie Stiefvater apparently has her good books and her bad books. I actually enjoyed the Shiver series, but I'm afraid I cannot say the same for The Raven Boys. Sure, the plot is very complex, but in my opinion, poorly carried out. The beauty of good writing is that the authour is able to guide their readers through a labyrinth to the end without loosing people. Which, she clearly failed to do for me...
I still recommend this to romance lovers and plot-twist lovers as many people seem to enjoy this book, much much much more than I did. And if you liked this book? Good for you-- now go read the second book-- The Dream Thieves.
***I give this book a 6.5 out of 10***
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
W.A.R.P The Hangman's Revolution by Eoin Colfer
The Hangman's Revolution is the sequel to the book The Reluctant Assassin, if you haven't read that, please don't spoil this for yourself and take the time to read it before going on to this one. They're both very interesting reads, I can assure you.
Eoin Colfer has been one of my favourite, if not favourite, author for a long time. Ever since I've read the Artemis Fowl series, I've made a point to try to hunt down all his books. Lucky for me, he started a new series right about then!
Now, if you've read The Reluctant Assassin, I'm assuming that you are already aware of our dear two characters, Chevron (aka Chevie) and Riley. However, unlike the last story, this book tells things from Chevie's world. Instead of being in Riley's time, Victorian England, she's back in her time England. Yet this England is a lot more different than the one she left. This England is run by followers of the Colonel Box, who control the country through intimidation and terror, Unfortunately, Chevie soon loses bits of her memory due to this present day timeline, and has difficulty in remembering her past history. That is, until she is again, turned back to the past. There, she meets up with Riley again. With the help of Riley and a few unlikely allies, she ventures into London's catacombs and derail the plans of the charismatic leader who is intent on using his knowledge of the future to seize power.
Eoin Colfer is well known (to me, anyways) for his intricate plots and plot twists. I honestly love his Artemis Fowl series like there is no tomorrow, and although I don't love this series as much as I love the Artemis Fowl series, I've got to say that it is an excellent read and that I recommend to anyone and everyone. Whether you have the need for a good book to read or you're just plain bored, Eoin Colfer will never fail to entertain. I suggest that teens read this, as the writing style may be slightly hard to get for kids.
***I give this book a 9.45 out of 10!***
Monday, August 25, 2014
An Abundance of Katherines by John Green
'Katherine V thought boys were gross.
Katherine X just wanted to be friends.
Katherine XVIII dumped him through an email.
K-19 broke his heart.'
When it comes to dating girls, Colin has a very peculiar taste. He likes girls named Katherine. Yet they don't always seem to exactly like him back. After all, he has been dumped... Nineteen times, to be exact...
Let's put this in the clear. John. Green. Is. Amazing. I cannot stress that enough. Honestly, biggest respects to him, I love all his books, from The Fault in Our Stars to Looking For Alaska, I am honestly such a big fan of him. Besides, his and his brother's Crashcourse have helped me on tests countless numbers of times... I am proud to say that I have read every single book he's written (that I know of). Forget Stephenie Meyer. John Green keeps me entertained as well as keeps me on top of my tests for science and history. Can't get much better than that!
In An Abundance of Katherines, John Green once again unleashes his witty humor and his talent with anagrams (such like Word Nerd) as well as his ability to weave out a funny, challengingly complex and unpredictable story.
Colin is no ordinary guy. He's an 'anagram happy, washed up' prodigy. As you read through the book, you will take a look into his highly intriguing mind, and stick with his as he pursues his mission to prove The Theorem of Underlying Katherine Predictability. That is, the theorem which Colin hopes will protect the future of relationships everywhere and avenge Dumpees, all the while finally winning him the girl. Ridiculous, yes, but that's only half the fun. Welcome to the world of Colin, his fat friend, Hassan (he is very entertaining, by the way), and snarky Lindsey.
I recommend this to every teen, especially anyone who enjoys a bit of math humour. However, I don't recommend this to kids as it does have some coarse language (mostly from Hassan and Lindsey... Dingleberries?) This book will have you face-palming and laughing in exasperation before you know it.
***I give this book a 9.89 out of 10!***
Specials by Scott Westerfeld
'Frighteningly beautiful.
Dangerously strong.
Breathtakingly fast.'
The series that I am, indeed, still working on. The Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld certainly is a series that most people will thoroughly enjoy. I, for one, am enjoying them right now, although I cannot say whether or not I will enjoy the next book, Extras. However, Scott Westerfeld hasn't let me down so far...
A perfect book for any teen that liked the Divergent trilogy, Scott Westerfeld weaves a series about a girl who is testing the boundaries of her world. Revolutionary, sassy, and very dumb at some times, Tally makes an intriguing main character.
This is the third book in the series: it goes Uglies, Pretties, Specials, and then Extras. I highly, actually I insist that you read the first book before you go on to the next books, as without the first book, you shall be utterly, irreversibly... lost. So, please don't read this review until you have read up to Pretties! Thanks!
Alright, going on~
Tally, our main character has been turned into a Special. A super-amped fighting machine, engineered to keep uglies down and the pretties stupid. Yet something still nags at her-- her memories of something else. Yet it's such a small thing that she finds it easy to tune it out. That is, it's easy until she gets the chance to wipe out the rebels of the New Smoke. Permanently. She must make the choice whether to listen to that tiny, faint heartbeat, or to carry out the mission that has been programmed into her. Whichever choice she makes, Tally will never be the same again.
I recommend this book to teens who enjoys breathtaking action, dramatic suspense, and a good story to read. Scott Westerfeld really outdoes himself with this great book packed with action!
***I give this book a 8.99 out of 10!***
Saturday, August 23, 2014
So Yesterday by Scott Westerfeld
I seem to get a hold of all the intriguing books these days.... This book, again, is slightly hard to explain. But I shall try.
Every trend starts somewhere-- every way of doing something is originated from something or rather someone. Have you ever stopped to wonder who the first kid to wash their jean in acid was? Or even the kid to wear way-too-big pants on purpose? How about the first guy who wore his cap on backwards? These are all trends that spiral around the modern world like wildfire. So who started it all?
Meet the innovators. The Innovators are the ones at the top of the 'cool pyramid'. The pops in high school. Right below them on the 'cool pyramid' settles the Trendsetters. Hunter Braque, a seven teen year old, is a Trendsetter. His job? Simple: find the newest, coolest thing for the retail markets.
His MO is to observe but don't get involved. Pretty sweet, right? That's until his boss vanishes. Soon Hunter, and Jen, his crush, are caught up in a web of brand-name intrigue. That is, a missing cargo of the coolest shoes they have ever seen, and ads for products that don't even seem to exist. And in any good book, there's a shadowy group. This group is focused on the downfall of consumerism as we know it.
Author of the Uglies series as well as Peeps, Scott Westerfeld enraptures the attentions of many teens around the world, sucking them into the worlds of his characters. Although compared to the Uglies series, Peeps and So Yesterday are less popular by far, it doesn't mean that they aren't good books. I personally really enjoyed this book!
I recommend this book to any teens, especially the ones who enjoy a bit of dramatic adventure mixed in with a teensy bit of romance. It's a hilarious book with serious undertones, and I highly enjoyed it
*** I give this book a 8.4 out of 10!***
Meet the innovators. The Innovators are the ones at the top of the 'cool pyramid'. The pops in high school. Right below them on the 'cool pyramid' settles the Trendsetters. Hunter Braque, a seven teen year old, is a Trendsetter. His job? Simple: find the newest, coolest thing for the retail markets.
His MO is to observe but don't get involved. Pretty sweet, right? That's until his boss vanishes. Soon Hunter, and Jen, his crush, are caught up in a web of brand-name intrigue. That is, a missing cargo of the coolest shoes they have ever seen, and ads for products that don't even seem to exist. And in any good book, there's a shadowy group. This group is focused on the downfall of consumerism as we know it.
Author of the Uglies series as well as Peeps, Scott Westerfeld enraptures the attentions of many teens around the world, sucking them into the worlds of his characters. Although compared to the Uglies series, Peeps and So Yesterday are less popular by far, it doesn't mean that they aren't good books. I personally really enjoyed this book!
I recommend this book to any teens, especially the ones who enjoy a bit of dramatic adventure mixed in with a teensy bit of romance. It's a hilarious book with serious undertones, and I highly enjoyed it
*** I give this book a 8.4 out of 10!***
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
OCD, The Dude, and Me a novel by Lauren Roedy Vaughn
'Here is my current loop of obsessive thoughts:
1.) It bothers me to think about all the upcoming school events that I will be alone for.
2.)I hate that kids cut in front of me in the lunch line, quickly whipping out their phones so they don't have to talk to me.
3.)The memory of that day in PE where I was the only person who couldn't run the mile without taking breaks. My classmates, possessed of personal trainers and taut physiques, finished the run in like two seconds. I was gaspoing for air and so sweaty that they probably took bets on whether or not I'd die of a heart attack right before their eyes. I had hoped I would.'
A truly fascinating book. Hilarious, slightly crude, and extremely entertaining, this book is bound to captivate you.
I'm not exactly sure how to describe this book, as it is such a fascinating read, but one thing is totally true. Danielle is certainly and hopelessly OCD. Now, it's not like the 'oh you're so OCD because you need to print stuff out' OCD, but rather 'my mind needs to be organized and stacked in little piles of organized-ness (and yes I am fully aware that that is not a real word) that if I were to talk about it, it would disrupt the organized-ness of my mind' OCD. Not sure if that made any sense, but if it didn't oh well. Welcome to this novel.
Confusing and at the same time very very entertaining, OCD, The Dude, and Me is kind of like a journal explaining the on-goings of Danielle Levine's mental and physical life. And boy, is it interesting! Follow our slightly over-weight, completely OCD protagonist through her archives which consist of essays, rants, journals, e-mails, and other written exchanges. Whoever said being a teen was easy never was OCD.
Lauren Roedy Vaughn writes a great piece that every teen, whether or not you're OCD or not, can connect with. Because honestly, you think you have it bad? At least you're not OCD (no offence, Danielle). This is a book all teens will be able to reflect on. For example, the third thing in her 'loop of obsessive thoughts'? How I feel every PE class.....
I recommend this book to any teens who are feeling like life's not going in their favour (which it rarely actually is). All I can say is... I wish I had an English teacher as nice as that...
***I give this book a 8.7 out of 10!***
Confusing and at the same time very very entertaining, OCD, The Dude, and Me is kind of like a journal explaining the on-goings of Danielle Levine's mental and physical life. And boy, is it interesting! Follow our slightly over-weight, completely OCD protagonist through her archives which consist of essays, rants, journals, e-mails, and other written exchanges. Whoever said being a teen was easy never was OCD.
Lauren Roedy Vaughn writes a great piece that every teen, whether or not you're OCD or not, can connect with. Because honestly, you think you have it bad? At least you're not OCD (no offence, Danielle). This is a book all teens will be able to reflect on. For example, the third thing in her 'loop of obsessive thoughts'? How I feel every PE class.....
I recommend this book to any teens who are feeling like life's not going in their favour (which it rarely actually is). All I can say is... I wish I had an English teacher as nice as that...
***I give this book a 8.7 out of 10!***
Monday, August 18, 2014
Owning It: Stories About Teens with Disabilities Edited by Donald R. Gallo
I'm not sure what brought me to taking this book out from the library, but it may have been my love for The Fault in Our Stars.And honestly, I am do not regret picking it up. It's an amazing read that will touch you deeply. Covering Tourette's to cancer, it's honestly a set of downright amazing stories. Personally, my favourite was either Gail Giles's comical and informative story on Alex, who has Tourette's, or Robert Lipsyte's story on an elite task force whose number-one enemy is cancer. Hilarious yet stirring at the same time, these ten stories by ten different authoring will leave you with a lot on your mind.
Kudos to David Lubar (Here's To Good Friends), Gail Giles (Tic and Shout), Julie Anne Peters (Triclops), Chris Crutcher (Under Control), Brenda Woods (Way Too Cool), Ron Koertge (Good Gands), Kathleen Jeffrie Johnson (See You), Rene Saldana Jr. (Fatboy and Skinnybones), Alex Flinn (Braniac), and Rober Lipsyte (Let's Hear it for Fire Team Bravo) for being able to intuitively give us readers an insight into the life of a teen with a 'disability' (because I really honestly don't think cancer can be called a disability...). All of them are well written in their own little ways, and I think that they are all really interesting to read, whether or not they be exactly how they 'teens with disabilities' feel.
I think that the authors did do a rather good job of telling stories through the eyes of a disabled teen (I really despise that phrase...) but I can't be the judge of that, as I haven't fought with cancer, nor do I have asthma. However, I can relate with all the teens in the book-- life really does look desolate sometimes. But always think: Superman lent me his cape/ Didn't fit/ Had to weave my own/ From steely dreams/ Here I come. So here's to living on through hardships. Show some moxie!
Some of the stories in this book are slightly confusing, whether that be slightly confusing in the writing itself, or whether it be because that's the author's interpretation of the mind of their character, I'm not sure. However, you cannot dismiss the amazing content of this story. Although the stories are all slightly heartbreaking sometimes disguised with humor, they're all survival stories.
''Cancer can kill you, but you don't have to kiss its butt.'
Everyone needs to read this book-- honestly, it's an amazing book that will really peel your eyes open to the world of teens and their hardships. I guarantee that you will love it, especially so if you have read The Fault in Our Stars and enjoyed it. Honestly, this is a great book that I think many people will enjoy. If you don't enjoy it, it will at least be an eye opener. Maybe the next time you decide to pick on the blind guy or the girl who's suffering from brain damage, you'll think twice.
I'll leave you with my favorite excerpt from this book. And yes. It's hilarious. If you read the whole story.
'"Welcome to Fire Team Bravo," I said, grabbing his hand and pumping it. "I'm Sergeant Moxie, your team leader."
"What?" He stared at me.
"Team means you're not alone. brothers got your back."
He snarled, "Get out."
"I like that-- you're a fighter. All you need to know right now is that cancer can kill you, but you don't have to kiss its butt. Later I'll give you some poems to read. What's your name?"
His mouth was so dry his tongue clicked. Scared spitless. "Connor."
"What kind of name is that?" said my Intel chief, Maverick.
"We'll fix it," I said.'
***I give this book a 9.7 out of 10, hands down. Great book!***
Friday, August 8, 2014
Peeps by Scott Westerfield
Errrrrmmmm... Yes, interesting picture don't you think? Eheheh....
I'm sure many out there know much of an amazing author Scott Westerfeld is. Author of the 'Uglies' series, his books have entertained a wide range of readers. So, I decided to pick up this book, as a fan of the Uglies series myself. I'm not sure how I feel about that decision now...
Mind you, Scott Westerfeld is, by no doubt, an amazing author. His writing is captivating and rich, and always appeals to a wide audience. However, I have very.... Mixed, opinions on vampires ever since Twilight happened (honestly, sparkling in the sun?! Still can't get over that...). Needless to say, this book has been the best vampire book I've read in a while.
Before you can wonder, or ask, for that matter, yes, this novel is about vampires. Or Peeps, as Cal Thompson says. Except... slightly different.
"Okay, let's clear up some myths about vampires. First of all, you won't see me using the V-Word much. In the night watch, we prefer the term Parasite Positives, or peeps for short.
The main thing to remember is that there's no magic involved. No flying, no transforming into bats or rats either. We're talking about a disease."
In this world of Scott Westerfeld, Vampirism is a syndrome. And like any regular syndrome, there's a cause, a cure, and immunity. This parasite travels through any intimate contact. Including kissing and anything... more intimate than that. Unfortunately for Cal Thompson, after one night with a mysterious woman, he's infected. The good thing? He's one of the lucky immune ones-- a carrier, you could say. He's still sane and doesn't suffer all the symptoms. Just the good stuff-- advanced hearing, speed, an exceptionally good sense of smell... The bad thing is that his former girlfriends aren't immune. And now they're infected. So obviously Cal now has to track them down before they can make more vampires...
In a lovely book full of plot twists, Scott Westerfeld again demonstrates his stunning ability to weave an intricate tale. It's both a medical thriller as it is science fiction, and still at the same time, a light read with only 279 pages. Slim and easy to absorb, I guarantee that it will entertain you, whether you be vampire freak or not. Oh, and by the way? Just keep an eye out for peeps...
I recommend this book to anyone who enjoyed the Uglies series, and anyone who enjoys some face paced action, medical crises, and peeps.
***I give this book a 9.2 out of 10!***
The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa
Note: The Eternity Code by Julie Kagawa is the second
book in the Blood of Eden series. Again, it is suggested that you read the
first book: The Immortal Rules, first, as it is a series. Also, if you wish to
read more books by Julie Kagawa, her The Iron Fey series is also very popular,
although personally I don't like it. If you haven't read the first book to this
series, STOP, unless you want spoilers!
"In Allison Sekemoto's world, there is one rule left: Blood calls to blood."
Ahh.... the beauty of quotes... Let's see... where to begin...
I didn't especially like this book. I know I know. Another book I didn't like. This one's a bit of a different case though. I just don't like Julie Kagawa's writing style. But I started the series, so guess what? I have to finish it.
Telling a story about a girl named Allison, also known as Allie, who was human and got turned into a vampire. Now she's kicked from her town, Eden, and has to follow the tracks of her creator, or the one that turned her, Kanin. Little does she know that this journey will lead her back to her birthplace, New Covington. What she discovers there will change the whole world forever-- perhaps even ending human and vampire existence. A new plague is on the rise-- a strain of Red Lung virus that wiped out most humans generations ago, and this strain is fatal to both humans and vampires. The only way to prevent mass extinction is by reaching Kanin in time to reveal the secrets that he carries. What will happen when immortality is no longer forever?
Sure, it's a very catchy and interesting plot line-- in fact the, plot is amazing. It's complex, intriguing, and all that jazz. The one thing is that the writing is so... slow. Things don't have enough action, she takes too long getting places, and it's just not quality writing. If you can brave the boring, you'll be rewarded with the great twists in the plot-line, but unfortunately, I can't. I just don't like this book very much....
I recommend this book, if I had to, to teenagers who enjoy vampires, and anyone who enjoyed reading the Iron Fey series, because then obviously, you enjoy her style of writing.
***I give this book a 7.9 out of 10***
Friday, August 1, 2014
A Series of Fortunate Rides-- The Future Close and Far: My Horseback Riding Tales
Study study study study study study...
Well now that we're all caught up with my present, I guess we could move on towards the future. What am I thinking of in my riding future other than getting broke? That's a good question... I guess a part of me wants to at least get to the level that I could become a horseback riding coach, although my final destination would to become a vet. That being said having another option open is never a bad idea, and I do really love riding, so I decided to start taking the English Rider tests. There goes another $80 or so... *sigh* That's just too bad. When horseback riding, money has always been the problem for me. Money and time... However... If you, dear readers, take pity on me, there is a way for you to help me out. How? Hmmm....
You see, my blog is hooked up to Google Ads. That being said, I get money every time someone clicks on an ad. Therefore, even if you just take the time to give an ad a click, I may get up to a dollar! And I mean it, every cent counts. However, the biggest present of all is that someone actually takes the time to read about my life... Thank you everyone!
Back to horseback riding.... This month, I will be attempting to take my Rider 1 and my Rider 2 exam. :3 The riding part will hardly be any difficultly, I don't think, but the written part will have it's own problems for me. Including cramps. According to Jen, the test is written in essay format, not multiple choice. I will have to walk in completely prepared for the test. In order to pass, I need to get at least 70%. Better than a driver's test, but in another way, worse....
I am hoping to continue horseback riding at least once a month after summer comes and goes, as I really do wish to get better. However, I seem to be in need of a laptop as well. I need your help-- should I get a MackBook Air, or a package of 10 riding lessons? Please, make sure to vote on the poll above, if you wish to share your opinion with me!
All I have to say about my riding now, is that... I'll keep trying, and thank you, parents, for letting me ride and driving me to my stables every week. I really really appreciate it. It's a sport that I'm not going to give up on any time soon, and I promised myself to never abandon. I personally think it's a great way to exercise, as well as make new friends! Some people believe that dogs are man's best friends, but to me, Teddy is much closer than any dog I've ever met. All the horses and people that I have spent my time with during the time I've been riding have made their way straight into my heart. Love them all: Teddy, Crystal, Gretchen, Charm, Sebastian, Chester, Julia, Izzy, and last but not least, Jen. Dear Jen with the heart of a horse, and yet still managed to scare me every now and then.... Heh... She's determined, strict, understanding, and compassionate, and has got me totally head over heels about riding.
There are times, undoubtedly, where I ran into setbacks, whether that be not having enough money to ride, or having to master a hard gait (ahem sitting trot, I'm talking to you...), but I've pushed past them, with only a few falls. And in the future, I look forward to spending even more time with all the horses and people that made my own dream of riding possible, and keep fueling it now! Time and time again, I remind myself...
"No one ever drowned in their own sweat."
What doesn't kill me makes me stronger, right? So far, I don't seem to have died yet. Not to mention that I am insanely in debt to my parents for feeding my riding urge for until now, piling on hay loads of money towards a sport that I really thought would end at 'recreational...' Again, I thought my dancing would end at recreational as well... Not to mention driving me, buying me my apparel, and just being there for me!
Last but not least! Thank you, reader, for taking the time of your busy day to read about... Me? It's really much much appreciated, and if any of you are interested in riding..... How should I phrase this...
Go get 'em, tiger!
Ciao for now!
Rest in peace dear Sierra. You were an extremely sweet horse with a gentle, kind, compassionate character. You will be very missed.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*End of Part Five*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
( For now. ;) )
A Series of Fortunate Rides-- In Another Life: My Horseback Riding Tales
Pretty good picture, don't you agree?
I was back at my stables this summer, much to my delight. I paid half the amount to fund for my riding package of 10 with the money I managed to save up from tutoring and such. Making money is unfortunately very hard... I do love riding, it's just like it's an extremely expensive sport, and I don't have an abundance of time to use on making money. To be honest, it's a big hassle trying to manage dancing, sword fighting, and studying in the first place. So what in the seven heavens is keeping me from throwing my hands up and calling it quits? I. Have. No. Clue. I love riding, love horses, and just cannot seem to tear myself away from me. It's like a drug, in all honesty. So I save up, buy a package, and treasure my lessons, and savor them. And for the rest of the time that I'm not in a lesson? I'm just helping out around the stable, whether that be grazing horses, grooming horses, or just sitting in a lesson with Jen. Anything to be around horses. Am I useful around the place? Ha... I frankly have no clue... It's mostly for my own enjoyment, but if it helps out others, I'd be more than happy to comply.
During this batch of ten lessons, I was put into a group with a boy named Joe. I'm sure that it'll end up mixing at the back of my brain as 'that package that I did with Joe', but for now, I'm just working on enjoying it. I have some very exciting news, though! Remember Izzy? Yes, Izzy from all the way back then? Well, it seems that I may be able to ride with her again!!! *squeals in delight* I'm really looking forward to getting back with the very first person I ever horseback rode with!!! I'd really love riding with her again. I also see Julia pretty much every week. I'm in touch with everyone for the most part, which is nice.
For now, I'm just soaking in the time I can spend with horses, whether that be when I'm feeding them or riding them, but I honestly fell in love with these graceful creatures super fast. I'm looking forward to both the close and far future!
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