As the third and final movie of The Hobbit series, it was a war movie to the finish. If the title "The Battle of Five Armies" had any telling of the future, it was quite the "*war cry* Bang clash cling -insert clashing swords noises- type of movie. When I went to the theater, I was being indecisive about the Imitation Game (Featuring our dear Benedict Cumberbatch) or The Hobbit. I was quite torn about having to decide on Sherlock or Watson, if you do get the reference. Unfortunately for me, tickets for The Imitation Game were already sold out, so I had to go with The Battle of Five Armies. Otherwise known as 2 hours and 24 minutes of war cries and dramatic friendship and death scenes. How touching.
Much like The Return of the King (the third movie from Lord of the Rings), this last movie was all about settling the battle between 'good' and 'bad' with war. Always with the bloodshed, dear Peter Jackson,.. The movie-long bloodshed. We all saw it coming.
Yes, it is a well done movie. No, it wasn't any different than the average *war cry! sword sounds!* movie. As a sucker for intricate plot lines, I personally didn't enjoy this one too much... But if you're a sucker for 2 hour 24 minutes worth of war scenes and dramatic deaths? Go for it. I just enjoyed listening to Benedict Cumberbatch pose as Smaug, and watching Legolas be badass. You know. Normal things.
I don't particularly recommend this movie, but it was nice to see Bilbo Baggins again.
***I give this movie a 8.0 out of 10. Meh.***