Monday, September 12, 2011

The Wednesday Wars
Mr. Holling Hoodhood is in for a very long seventh grade.
It starts with the minute he walks into his class (Mrs. Baker's class) and he is the only Presbyterian in sight. It's 1967 and the world has bigger things to worry about than rats falling on people's heads and ceiling tiles falling down. There's Vietnam for one, and there's family business (which is the most important as far as Holling's father is concerned. The Hoodhoods must be on their best behavior at all times as it is essential to the success of Hoodhood and Associates. So when Holling makes friends with a girl from his class and learns that her father is the organizer of Kowalski and Associates, things between Holling and his father go from bad to worse in a day. Yet maybe there is hope as Holling progresses with Mrs. Baker with Shakespeare and his works of literature. As Holling grows to love the books, more the curses at that, he has the grade of a lifetime. Grade seven is a difficult time for Holling- a time for new and old things. What will he try to do next? Read this exciting tale of Holling Hoodhood to find out in how many different ways this seventh grader can get himself in trouble.

This is an amazing book full of things to laugh at and feel sorry for. I really recommend it to all eleven year olds and up!

***I give this book a 9.85 out of 10!

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