Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hurricane Gold

This golden book is definitely one of the most flashiest, gold, bright, and eye-catching book I have ever seen.  Even the edges of the pages are even glittering gold!  

Charlie Higson wrote about three children by the names of James Bond, Precious, and Jack Junior, otherwise known as JJ. Precious, acting as snooty and stuck up as ever, doesn't make the best impression on James. But James is stuck at the Stones' house with Precious and Jack. He decides he has to do the best he can. However, when disaster strikes, he notices that his and Precious' and Jack's lives may change forever. For the better, or for the worse. 

Hurricane Gold is one of the best adventure books I have ever read, and that's saying a lot. I love this book because of the amazing plot twists, and the character development within the story. The character development shows the fact that even people may not be who they say they are, and how they act like. It shows how people have the power to change. Amongst all the death and gore and violence of this adventure, book, I like how there is a lot of comic relief, and it really helps the book not get too serious and drearily violent. Once you start to read this fast-paced adventure story, you will not be able to put it down. 

I recommend this book to teenagers all from the ages of 11 above. It is a gripping adventure story that will have you sitting at the edge of the chair. Beautifully written, it does have quite a lot of violence and coarse language, but the plot itself and the writing are both precise and perfected. Charlie Higson is truly and amazing writer, who writes enthralling adventure stories with twisting plot lines and beautifully developed characters. Hurricane Gold is one adventure story teenagers absolutely need to read. 

*** I give this book a 9.9 out of 10!!!!!!! Positively amazing!***

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