Sunday, March 31, 2013
As the last book in the Inkheart series, Inkdeath is an amazing wrap-up of this thrilling series. The story of Mo, Meggie, and Resa goes on, telling about their hardships, struggles, wants, and needs. And to think that the one action of Mo, reading Resa into a book all those years ago, could have induced this action-packed adventure of faith, loyalty, betrayal, and lies!
Meggie turns out to be a very stubborn, strong-willed girl that will fight for the ones she loves and do what she thinks is right. She has the unique power of her father as well- the ability to read characters out of books. She dreams of being able to write as well as she can read so she can script character's fates as well as read them in and out of books. Isn't it truly magical to be able to have a pencil to write down character's fates? Kind of like Solomon's ring. One pen to write it all.
Mortimer, Meggie's father, otherwise known as Mo, Silvertongue, the Bluejay, and the Jay, finds himself a part of the story he once upon a time read Resa into and Dustfinger and Capricorn out of. Interesting how the reader turns out to be one of the most important characters. Now, he finds himself quite attached to the Inkworld, and finds that he, with Meggie, doesn't wish to leave.
Resa, Meggie's mother, meanwhile, does wish to return to her own world. But as their life is caught up in the Inkworld at the moment, she sees no way to get out. Personally, I think that Resa was the most useless of all the characters, and I can't say that I loved her very much....
So this family gets together, and gets swept up in the Inkworld. Really. I have to say that Cornelia Funke did a terrific job of writing Inkdeath, and Inkheart, and Inkspell, and the Inkheart series! Amazing books everyone should read, they are. Beautifully written, with an amazing plotline!
*** I give this book a 9.8 out of 10!***
Thursday, March 28, 2013
The Wizard of Oz
A Puffin Classic, The Wizard of Oz is a great read. With the well-known story of Dorothy venturing into the land of Oz, carried by a tornado which hit Kansas, The Wizard of Oz is the story in which our Wonderful Wizard of Oz is back, and Dorothy unwillingly kills the wicked witch.
Dorothy and Toto are from Kansas. But when a tornado strikes their town of Kansas, and their house is thrown into the tornado. Dorothy is knocked out, and when she regains consciousness, she finds that she has killed the Evil Witch, getting the gratitude of the people she reigned with terror. In the process, she finds that she obtains a set of ruby slippers.
This story is the story many people know and have come to love. The story of Dorothy, rivaling only in 'Alice in Wonderland'. Really. I mix them up all the time.
With a rather basic plot, of a kind girl being plopped into a mysterious world, Dorothy makes many friends, and sticks with her pride and determination, and generosity the whole way through. With her companions, from her small dog, Toto, to the Cowardly Lion, this is an adventure like no other, with such an unusual set of creatures to accompany it!
This is trully a classic by L. Frank Baum, and everyone needs to read it! It's an amazing read, and I recommend it to everyone!
*** I give this book a 9.6 out of 10***
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Eon. Dragoneye. Eona. The Mirror Dragon. The Rat Dragon. Those things mean more to Eon and his life than Eon may or may not know. And yet Eon has a heavily guarded secret. He is female. Eon's real name is Eona, a sixteen-year-old girl who has been acting in the position of a twelve-year-old boy. As a girl, she isn't allowed to use Dragon Magic, under the penalty of death. But 'When there is a will, there is a way'. And Eona's will is far stronger than most.
Eona is a cripple. Her hip is crippled, so it's not easy nor very efficient to move, and this draws signs, warding off evil, from people around her. But she has a dream of becoming a Dragoneye. A dream that if she was a girl, she would never be able to pursue. With the help of her Master, she evolves into the Dragoneye which she has yearned to be for so long.
As a Dragoneye, there are many hardships, testing her will, her loyalty, and her strength, both mentally and physically. But even if Eona's physical body is scarred, and her hip is not in top condition, she has the determination of an Ox, the courage of a tiger, the insight of a Snake, the passion of a Horse, the Kindness of a Goat, the resourcefulness of a Monkey, the honesty of a Dog, the generosity of a Pig, and the ambition of a Rat. Of course, she still has to learn to have the peace of a Rabbit, and the confidence of a Rooster. But no one can be perfect, and Eona is pretty close. Yet this choosing day, she is set for the surprise and gift, if she takes it well, of a lifetime.
Eon is beautifully written, and once it sucks you into the world of it's dragons and magic, you won't be able to put this book down until you finish it. And then there is the equally delectable sequel: Eona. Really. I love this series. Thank you Alison Goodman for weaving a beautiful adventurous story of every quality you could imagine! It's a beautifully written piece of art. Delectable and astounding!
*** I give this book a 9.9999999 out of 10!****
Monday, March 25, 2013
What the Dickens
What the Dickens is possibly one of the most unique books I have ever read.
Every thought about where the Tooth Fairy comes from? A toonie for a tooth. Where does this come from? What the Dickens is a fantasy realistic fiction story, a world you can venture into if you have an open mind and don't ask too many questions... Quite unlike our main character: What the Dickens.
This story of What the Dickens is set within a story.
'On the darkest night, amidst a terrifying storm, Dinah's parents go missing. While anxious Dinah and her brother and sister worry and huddle for warmth, their cousin Gage tells them an unlikely story- about tooth fairies known as skibbereen, who are living in warring colonies right in the neighborhood According to Gage, the skibbereen put those teeth to good use. And Gage has met them. Dinah is skeptical, but as the story unfolds, and the storm rages on, she begins to believe.'
And they always say that believing is the strongest weapon. As Gage weaves What the dicken's story, he changes kid's views on tooth fairies. He definitely changed mine.
What the Dicken's story starts off with him being rescued. By Gage and his cat, McCavity. This comical figure of What the dicken, as he named himself, is quite the comedian, with his vocabulary and questions. Oh yes. The questions. What the dicken is a cannon. Shooting out questions by the load, annoying practically everyone. Except for maybe his luckily met friend, Pepper, as well as Gage. His strange attraction to McCavity, and the unknowing, off-key singer, his 'adoptive' mother, the bird. To say the least, this is one unique story!
Gregory Maguire wrote a funny and strange book, one which will indefinitely entertain kids. Telling the story of a rogue tooth fairy, What the dickens is definitely a story to read! Not the best written book ever, but the hilarious and amusing plot makes up for it, and overall, it's a pretty great book!
*** I give this book a 8.56 out of 10***
Sunday, March 24, 2013
A HUGE thank you to all the people that made this possible! To be on the first page of Google with a book review is an amazing push for me! Thank you to all the people who visit this site, and read the book reviews, and such which I post!
Yet again, Thank You to everyone!
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Emily the Strange: the Lost Days
Emily the Strange: The Lost Days is a...... Strange book. With the beginning of Emily's amnesia, we get to realize pretty quickly that this isn't any ordinary book. I can hardly say that it's a book at all!
Popped into a town called Blackrock, 'Earwig' as she calls herself, starts to learn a little bit about the town, walking around, finding places, reading things, listening to people. This strange novel is about Earwig's adventure on trying to find out where her home, who were parents were and fishing for clues. It is a sort of a mystery comedy novel, and it will entertain kids and teens. Quite a strange book, if you ask me. I don't think I even fully understand it even now!
This is about a girl with amnesia by the name of... well she takes on a lot of names. Including 'Molly', 'Earwig,' 'Raven', and a few others. A few things that she knows about herself.
1. She's human
2. She's a girl.
3. She is wearing a black dress
4. She is wearing black stockings
5. She has long black hair
6. She seems to like the colour black
7. She recently stepped in gum
8. Her skin is pale, so the bruises on her left arm show up really well.
9. She has a notebook, a pencil, and a slingshot, and that's it.
10. She's left-handed.
11. She speaks English.
12. The Earth is round and travels around the sun.
13. She seems to like the number 13.
Well, that's not much to go on, is it? Imagine waking up, no memories of the past days, waking up on a bench in the 'park' and not knowing a single thing about yourself, where you are, etc. Quite a shocking experience, I would think.
Emily the Strange the Lost Days is a funny book, and that's pretty much all I can say to it. It's strange, and makes you laugh. If you don't like being puzzled, I don't think it would be a wonderful decision to read this book. It isn't the most straightforward book ever, and it is bound to puzzle the reader. I thought it was pretty funny, though! Not to mention the writing isn't excellent, and it can be quite confusing at times. I must admit it lost me, a lot.
But overall, not bad, a good, light read.
*** I give this book a 8.9 out of 10***
Friday, March 22, 2013
A Series of Unfortunate Events- The Miserable Mill
If it isn't our favourite orphans of all time. The Baudelaires. What sort of miserable adventure will they lead this time? Written by Lemony Snicket, the Series of Unfortunate events is a series of books that talk about the misfortunes, troubles, and adventures of the Baudelaires. The Miserable Mill is the fourth book of the series, and the first book is 'The Bad Beginning'. To be followed by 'The Reptile Room' and then 'The Wide Window'.
Who are these Baudelaires, exactly? Well no other than possibly the most unlucky orphans in all of history. Three siblings by the names of Violet, Klaus, and Sunny are constantly in danger by a 'relative' by the name of Count Olaf. Olaf has been after their fortune for ages, and Mr. Poe, their 'guidance' is no help at all, but quite oblivious to the manner.
Sunny Baudelaire is our youngest Baudelaire. She is yet to grow up, and speaks gibberish- the language of all babies. The only ones to understand her unique talk are her siblings. She has a wickedly sharp bite, which is quite useful at points.
Klaus Baudelaire is the middle of the Baudelaires. Still, he is not to be underestimated. Quite knowledgeable from all the books he read, he's really resourceful and can use his wisdom of many things to get them out of tricky situations.
Violet is the oldest Baudelaire, and quite an amazing inventor. She has a knack for fixing things and making them better with spare parts. She can make intricate machines that work wonders with small tools.
The Baudelaires are a smart and witty bunch. But even then. How long can they go with their wits and quick thinking? A little luck couldn't hurt, would it? Yet again, they crash into a lot of trouble at the mill. Will Count Olaf never quit?
With a unibrowed villain after them, the Baudelaires go to Paltryville to work in a lumber mill where they find disaster and misfortune lurking everywhere. Will their bad luck ever go away? I recommend this book to all kids and teens, and it's a book everyone should read! Wonderfully written!
*** I give this book a 9.89 out of 10!***
Seekers: The Quest Begins
This is the first book of the Seekers series by Erin Hunter. Erin Hunter is an amazing writer, authour of the truly fantastic 'Warriors' series, as well as the Survivors series. I love the Warriors series with a passion, and the Seekers series isn't close behind. Thank you Erin Hunter for writing such amazing books!
Our story begins with four bears by the names of Tolko, Luna, Ujurak, and Kallik starting on their own journeys, each one seemingly on their own. But fate draws them together into one fatal adventure, which will change all of their lives forever. In the world of bears, featuring everything from a bear's rivals, fears, hunger, triumphs, and feelings, Seekers offers to show the world to the reader in a whole different view. Each bear starting at a different place, traveling a journey starting alone and ending together. The Quest Begins is a great book on the beginnings of a true friendship, told in a bear's point of view. From prickly Toklo who is aggressive and blunt, Kallik who is a motherly figure and always wanting to take care of the others, Ujurak with his spirits, signs, and shape-shifting, to his undying loyalty, and last but not least, Lusa with her friendly chatter and amiable ways, in their heart of hearts, they all care deeply for one another. Even if before this journey started unfolding, they never even knew each other.
Everyone has a history. Each bear does too. Even with Toklo and his rocky relationship with his mother Oka and his brother Tobi. But when Tobi dies, and Oka abandons him, he must find a way to cope alone. At least that's what he thinks. Ujurak meeting up with Toklo, eager to be friends, and provide his skills in reading signs, navigating, and shape-shifting. Sticking with Toklo, he reminds Toklo of his own brother, Tobi, and ends up being very close with him. Meanwhile, Lusa travels a long long time to find Toklo, from her home, the Bear Bowl. Her mother, Ashia, and her father, King, are at the Bear Bowl. And through her long journey, she remains to the hope and the belief that they are looking after her. Kallik lost her family, and she is now on a search to find her brother, Taquiq. However, if she will be able to find him is a totally different story.
Seekers The Quest Begins is the beginning of the four bears' amazing adventure, testing their will, strength, loyalty, and faith. It is an amazing book all animal lovers and adventure lovers will love, and especially to those who are fans of Erin Hunter. I love this series dearly! It is amazingly written, with such wonderful foreshadowing you barely even realize it is there. With a plot line of an average adventure, it has something even better. The POV changes between the bears give a little extra spice, seeing everything through different characters, each being bears!
It is a completely unique story, as well as Warriors! I hope Erin Hunter keeps writing!
***I give this book a 9.9999 out of 10!***
Thursday, March 21, 2013
The Gathering
The Gathering by Kelley Armstrong is about a teenage girl by the name of Maya. Maya is adopted, her family now being her Mom and Dad, she's mostly a happy camper. Until weird things start happening around her. Like the little thing of hurt animals healing a bit faster. But how easily is she supposed to be able to brush these things off? There's the part of the fact that Maya knows nothing about her history, and the mysterious paw print, Maya's birth mark. Could it be part of something bigger? Maybe the small town of Salmon Creek really is part of something bigger. But what? Which is how our story starts.
This book features 3 main characters. Maya, Daniel, and Rafe.
Maya has a nack for animals. Her and her family shelters wounded animals, from bunnies to snakes, to bobcats. However, she realizes these aren't pets, and the only pet she has is a dog called Kenji. She has been friends with Daniel forever, and was really close with Serena. Until her mysterious death that is. Maya is 16 and yet, she's a trouble magnet.
Daniel is the tough guy, the one always on the lookout. Having been the boyfriend of Serena, everyone assumes he's mourning. Still being the good friend of Maya, he constantly looks out for her, and seems to distrust Rafe. Which most people do anyway. He lives with his three younger brothers, his mom ran away, and his dad has severe drinking problems. Yet he still manages to hold up.
Rafe is the real trouble magnet of the group. In a constant lookout for dangers and trouble, he earns the reputation of his: someone not good to hang around. However, he does seem to have a little something for Maya. Rafe's mom just recently died, leaving Annie and him to move to Salmon Creek. Annie has a little problem as well...
Those three are the main characters of this book. As it is part of the 'Darkness Rising' series, you can read more if you liked this book on the next book: The Calling.
Personally, I didn't love this book. It's a teen read, and not for kids who don't like romantic things. I didn't especially like it because it was a weird mismatch of adventure and romance, not to mention the fact that Maya is a Mary Sue, seeing that she is loved by practically everyone. Kelley Armstrong could use some diversity in her characters, seeing that the only diverse character I can see in this series is Samantha. And that's just because of what kind of person Sam is.
***I give this book a 7.5 out of 10***
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Out of the Dust
Out of the Dust is a novel by Karen Hesse. Unique in its form of writing, Out of the Dust tells about a 'redheaded, freckle-faced, narrow-hipped girl with a fondness for apples and a hunger for playing fierce piano.' This particular novel is told in a set of poems. I admire Karen Hesse for being able to write a touching story in a way of poetry, as a different type of story telling people are used to. She was able to write a story in the form of poetry, and to be able to send out the message behind her story with the same efficiency all the same.
Telling about a girl named Billie Jo, and her family of her Mother and Father. But then tragedy strikes, and her life changes drastically. Now with only her father, and hands which she refuses to play piano with, everything Billie Jo once loved is gone. Still Billie Jo and her father's life goes on, and can still manage to hope. In a novel of Billie's and her father's unwillingness to help each other out, unwillingness to be able to understand each other, and dust, there comes a story of love and companionship, depression, desperation, and hope.
Karen Hesse writes a touching story in the form of poetry, and one bound to touch every heart with a feelings of sorrow, for the characters, and for everything they're going through. And you can find that a little part of you can relate to the narration.
Some say that the best kind of books will stir emotions in you, make you feel what the characters are feeling, feel the desperation that drives them, or the happiness coursing through them. Karen Hesse is one writer who can pull those feelings, give a little stir to them, from the deepest wells of someone's heart. A truly touching story, full of longing and honesty, and mixed in with that, love and the forgiving nature of people. Perhaps, we can hope, that everything will end out just right between Billie's family.
Touching and delicate, Out of the Dust is an amazing book I had the pleasure of reading. It has great appeal towards people who like realistic fiction, and the plot line isn't overly complex, but the writing is compelling.
*** I give this book a 9.5 out of 10!!!!!!!!***
Saturday, March 16, 2013
As the sequel to Inkheart, Inkspell is another wonderfully woven, captivating book by Cornelia Funke. Full of magic and books, and the power of reading to the brim, this book will be sure to engulf you and entrance you at the first chance. Cornelia Funke is one of the best fantasy, realistic fiction writers I have ever come to enjoy the books of, and I definitely loved this book, as well as this series. Lovable, intricate, enchanting, and beautiful, it will transport you into the character's worlds.
Featuring Meggie, Mortimer Folchart (otherwise known as Mo or Silvertongue), Resa (otherwise known as Theresa), Elinor Loredan, Darius, Fenoglio (otherwise known as Inkweaver), Dustfinger, Farid, Gwin, Capricon, Basta, Mortola, Orpheus (who gained the unlikely name of Cheeseface from Farid), and many more enter a story within a story. A story of how not only authors write their books, but so do the characters. I suggest that you read Inkheart before reading Inkspell, because if you don't, you will be oh so hopelessly.... Lost. As the plot starts unraveling right from Inkheart, it will be hard to keep up with the story if you start at Inkspell. Same said for Inkdeath. Read Inkheart, then Inkspell, and last but not least, and then Inkdeath. It will make much more sense that way!
From the early chapters of this book, you will start to feel yourself becoming attached to Cornelius Funke's characters, from the depths of the loyalty from the Black Prince and Mo, to Resa's kindness and love, to Meggie's willingness to do good. From Dustfinger's attachment with Farid, Gwin, and Jink, to Farid and Meggie's beginnings of a tender relationship, there will spring times so filled with emotion it will bring tears to your eyes through the richness of the writing. I guarantee there will be places where you will not get your fill even when you have read the same paragraph over and over again.
Inkspell is an absolutely astounding book with an amazing plotline, well-developed characters, beautifully intricate foreshadowing, and everything one could look for in a book. You will fall into a spell, unable to put down the book once you have picked it up. The best thing, by far, about Inkspell is the actual uniqueness of the plot, though. The sheer excitement of being able to read in a book, to be able to unfold the layers chapter by chapter, in a fantasy, realistic fiction, parallel universe world, where people can be read from and to books, where authors and characters come together to weave an intricate tale of love, hate, murder, loyalty, betrayal, and faith. Cornelia Funke is a legendary author, and one I find who's writing only gets better and better. Who says a writer writes their story by themselves? In Inkheart, Inkspell, and Inkdeath, Cornelius mentions a memorable idea, and perhaps a fact. Characters, whether of the authour's invention or not, aid the author in writing the story as much as the authour writes it. We say that our lives are books, and every day is a new chapter, a new segment. And what if it's the same with book characters?
Although Inkspell is a reasonably long book of 635 pages, I promise that this book is one everyone will enjoy. I actually think this book would appeal to anyone, from the littlest of children, to the adults in the world. Cornelius Funke takes a new outlook on life, and of books and their authors, characters, plot, and takes writing a book to a whole different level of spectrum, filtering in between the folds of story writing in a whole different light.
Beautifully and intricately written, Inkspell is a must-read. I absolutely love Inspell, and what amazes me is the fact that the writing has become even more intricate, delicate, yet strong since Inkheart. After you read this book, it will leave you craving for more!
***I give this book a 9.9999 out of 10. LEGENDARY!***
Monday, March 11, 2013
Dragon Games
Dragon Games is the second book from the Books of Umber by P.W. Catanese. The first book is Happenstance Found'. I suggest that you read the first book first before you read this one, or the events of this book with have close to no meaning nor make any sense to you!
Dragon Games is set in a parallel universe, where dragons exist, and all sorts of magical creatures roam the land. Featuring a mysterious boy by the name of Happenstance,, and an inquisitive, sometimes overly-curious young man called Umber,it is a chronicle of events of their unexpected, and for Happenstance, unwelcome, journey. Happenstance is a boy with the green eyes of a cat, complete with night-vision who also happens to be a Meddler. His origin is unknown, and part of his quest is to find out who he first was. The other part, of course, if far more complex, and at this point of time, seemingly impossible. Hap also has super-human skills, like being able to jump a lot farther than an average human, and to have much more endurance than another human, Lord Umber is a supposedly 'ordinary' young man, but the closest thing I could ever say about him is: "Curiosity killed the cat". Umber is very kind at heart, but can be a bit overly curious, which does well in getting him into tricky situations, where the difference between life and death is a single action.
This particular story starts with the arrival of two letters: One being a desperate plea for help from Caspar, who stole some precious documents from Umber's archives, and the other being from a kingdom ruled by a vulgar monarch, where an old rival of Umber's has decided to stead a bunch of dragon eggs. With one of the dragons already hatched, the next question is what they are going to do with them. Dragon Games is a very well-written adventure story, and people who like a bit of fantasy mixed with a bit of reality and creativity mixed together are bound to enjoy it. I liked Dragon Games because it was a fantasy book set in a parallel universe, and it has a very interesting plot-line, starting with Hap being plopped into the middle of this bizarre world of Umber's. This book has many very well-developed plot characters, and well paced action, as well as many shocking plot twists!
If I could say one thing about this book, there were some times when the action did get a bit slow....
***I give this book a 8.6 out of 10!***
Back to Blogging~
I just realized how long it really has been since I last went on my blog, and seeing my last post, I realize just how much I have been neglecting it. However, I have been really really really busy with all my school work! I'm sorry! But I'll be back really soon, I promise!
These days, I found out an amazing website for Warriors fans! I myself am a HUGE lover for Erin Hunter's Warriors series, as well as Seekers. I haven't quite got to trying out Survivors yet, thought. I will post the link at the bottom of the post, for anyone who's interested!
A huge shout out to all the amazing people who stop by my blog, my view count is over 2000 now! Thank you to all! I promise to get back to posting book reviews and such as soon as possible.
Are there any specific books people would like me to review? I would be more than happy to review them! Comments are always welcome!!
And..... for the warriors fans~!
Keep reading~!
These days, I found out an amazing website for Warriors fans! I myself am a HUGE lover for Erin Hunter's Warriors series, as well as Seekers. I haven't quite got to trying out Survivors yet, thought. I will post the link at the bottom of the post, for anyone who's interested!
A huge shout out to all the amazing people who stop by my blog, my view count is over 2000 now! Thank you to all! I promise to get back to posting book reviews and such as soon as possible.
Are there any specific books people would like me to review? I would be more than happy to review them! Comments are always welcome!!
And..... for the warriors fans~!
Keep reading~!
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