Monday, September 2, 2013

What?! Back to School ALREADY?!

So, summer's gone by pretty darn quickly this year! With a woosh, it's gone like the wind already! And school's waiting on the students, looming like a black dementor to suck out our souls making them busy with back to school things, and parents trying to help their child get ready for the next grade. Oh, and my cousin and aunt left for Korea, and now she's back in school too. None the less, I'll be going on to grade 9 now, and seeing that... Well, I'll be one busy camper. I won't be able to blog as much, and not be able to take the time out of my busy schedule to update that often... So thank you for the people who kept reading the book reviews and stuff that I updated, and please keep in tune to this blog- I won't be updating as frequently, but I will be able to get one or two up once and a while! Have a good school year, everyone, and I hope you all the luck!

Lots of love,