Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Story of Cirrus Flux


Orphan boy Cirrus Flux is in trouble. Everyone is out to catch this boy in which they believe has the world's most divine power. His 'birthstone', an orb, is said to contain the elixir of life. When he takes back what is rightfully his, his life pretty much gets, well, screwed up. He makes unlikely friends and lots of foes, at the same time getting tricked half the time. Why doesn't he give it up? It's really not a good idea or a safe one, either to let such evil people have such an incredible power- if it's sincerely a power at all... Now he has to go through a scary and haunting journey through L0ondon as certain 'bad people' (sincerely, bad is an understatement) pursue him. A certain 'Guild' is searching high and low for him. There is pretty much nowhere for him to go. Pretty much. There just may be one hiding place...

Stay with Cirrus to enjoy his nerving adventure through hardships and fate. Will he make it? How will he get past? Will he be changed? What will happen to him? And most of all: Who can he trust? Cirrus Flux has gone through betrayal, hope, hate, love, and loyalty. However, he will need a lot more than that to get past this adventure. Courage, ambition, and yes, even betrayal. Will this kind boy be able to learn all of these traits in time? More importantly: Will he be able to learn his past of an abandoned boy and a ignorant mom before time runs out? Read to find out.

'She looked down at him and smiled. "There now," she said, mopping away the tears that had sneaked into his eyes. "Your day will come, too, Cirrus. Your day will come. Someone will come looking for ye, too."'

***I give this book a 8 out of 10. It was a great book, but it had some times were you would be thrown off track and then set back on track again...***

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