Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Immortal Lycanthropes

"A shameful fact about humanity is that
some people can be so ugly that no
one will be friends with them.
It is shameful that humans can
be so cruel, and it is shameful that
humans can be so ugly."

Again, another book that I took out from the library. I started reading the other day, and now I'm nearly finished. I guess that just says how great the book is!

As some of you may know, lycanthropes are werewolves. Seeing that the title talks of immortal werewolves, you would think that this book is about immortal werewolves. Nope. Immortals? Yes. Werewolves? Kind of, but not really. In this book, a certain group of people are 'immortal lycanthropes'. Not werewolves though. Wereanimals. Each different animal has one immortal lycanthrope, who can only be killed by the teeth and claws of another immortal lycanthrope in their animal state.

Hal Johnson wrote a great tale of the immortal lycanthropes, with unique plot twists, and very well developed characters. Also, I really loved how he wrote this book- the narrative really makes it humorous and entertaining!

I recommend this book to any fantasy/ adventure lovers, from teens to young adults. It's a great book to read in your free time and it will definitely capture your attention. Welcome to the life of Myron Horowitz, a disfigured thirteen year-old boy just trying to fit in at his Pennsylvania school. Follow him and his amazing tale of running, hiding, attacking, and finding answers. After all, people will turn into animals and here come ancient secrets and rivers of blood.

*** I give this book a 9.5 out of 10!***

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