Friday, July 11, 2014

Trips to Portland June 27-28

June 27th, 2014
Hi. Ivy speaking. So… It’s one day before I get going on my trip to Portland… 10:03 p.m, to be exact. I’m not sure whether I’m more excited to be going to Portland, or more excited that my dad got a MacBook Pro. With retina display, may I add. It’s kinda amazing. Since when did my dad become the techie???
Still. Better one than no MacBook right? Well I’m going to save up and get a MacBook Air. Watch me. 
Anyways, I got to go now.
Shutting down,

June 28th, 2014
6:40 a.m.
Okay so I’m back. In the USA now, just past the border. I really love this laptop… Doesn’t even heat up. A dream come true. Anyways, in a cramped car and writing, yenno. Cool stuff. We’re on our way to Portland, and I am going to enjoy this trip. Especially with this awesome laptop.
Passing through some nice trees and foliage and co. I find it kind of hilarious that it was a torrential downpour in Vancouver, but now that we’re in the US, it completely cleared up and I dare say that it seems like it’ll be a pretty day today. I guess that I’ll be keeping my journal on here instead of the normal pen and paper, since there is this handy dandy laptop. Sorry I just had to. Going on… I’ll be updating as the day goes on, but we probably will be stopping at outlets and stuff like that to shop and look at things. Placeholder, I know, but hang with me.
This is mostly for my blog since I kind of have a terrifyingly terrible memory, but I’m going to go with the flow and have some fun with it. You’re going to be my notebook for this trip, I guess!
To give you a little outlook on my surroundings… Well the sun’s on my left— you figure it out, seeing that according to the car, we’re moving Southeast. I was never good at compass work. North East South West blah blah blah. Also, there’s quite a few little houses on my left, really not worth commenting on though… Still on the highway— I imagine we’ll be on the highway for a while. I’ll come back if I have any updates!
Logging off,

9:58 a.m.
Hi. Finished lunch, followed my mom, aunt, and cousin to get some bread and stuff. We ate lunch at someplace called Chowking. Some Chinese restaurant that had pork buns. It was kind of weird— my dad had beef wonton noodles. He had no comment, so it must not have been very good. He’s not one to comment if something is bad unless it’s really bad and he usually says its good if it’s alright so… Positive outlook on life, I guess?
We were at Westfield mall— that’s where Chowking was located. There’s free wifi there; that’s one of the reasons I love that place… But the MacBook refused to connect so bah… Back on the highway now though, with cars, trees and the hard pavement to enjoy. Huzzah. Only will be on the road for a little less than 3 hours now though so that’s cool— we’re on our way to Red Lion hotel. We’ll only be at the Red Lion for tonight though, so I don’t think I’ll get too attached. Our actual destination is Great Wolf Lodge. GWL (I think that’s what I’m going to call it from now on) has a huge swimming pool and park apparatus. I’m actually super excited. :3 Lots of swimming!
We’ll be visiting an outlet soon, to go shopping and all that jazz, so that’ll be some stretching space. I’ve also got to buy something (a birthday present) for my aunt, so I brought some money. We decided on going waiting out for the US because in Portland, there’s no tax. That’ll save us some money. The weather is a bit puzzling as we keep going in our car, because it’s raining, then super shiny, then raining again… Vancouver weather. To be fair, we are moving, so I guess it would feel like we are going through the weather phases faster than if we were standing still somewhere.
We’re on our way to Costco right now. Maybe there’ll be some books for me to buy. I doubt that I will, though, seeing that I brought a bucketload of books in my orange backpack… Teehee. I think I brought a few too many books, but don’t tell my parents that I admit it. :P
I’ll be back with updates soon!
Ciao for nao,

12:11 p.m.
Mmm… It’s lunch time… Wonder if we’ll be stopping anywhere soon…. Kind of doubt it though. Got a good amount of sleep in, though…

2:49 p.m.
Just finished lunch. Wow today is going slow… Well, something exciting finally happened during dinner though! My dad’s cellphone got a shower. Just kidding— our waitress spilt water directly onto the phone. It was kind of hilarious. Luckily, his phone is alright and the watermark on his phone battery isn’t damaged. I think I heard at least 20 sorries. The silverware was so dirty that it was cancerous, but the food made up for it. They had some amazing food. We had calamari, my dad had a garden burger, my aunt and I each had a fish and chips dish, my mother took a burger as well, and my cousin took a sandwich from the kid’s menu. It was pretty good— I enjoyed it thoroughly, other than getting water spilt on me and the dirty silverware. I think the restaurant’s name was JanTzan Bar and Grill. Either way it was in the Red Lion where we were at. The restaurant also had a spectacular view of the Columbia River, and the _______ ( I don't really remember the name... )bridge. It was really nice, and I could have really enjoyed it if it weren’t for my damp clothes…
We also got to visit our hotel room, which was definitely large, but I don’t know… There were only two standard queen size beds in the room, so we had to order in another roller bed. 
I seem to be writing in the car a lot, not that I’m complaining, but it’s a new experience. I love that this laptop doesn’t heat up very fast. It’s kind of amazing… Anyhow, we’re on our way to Costco and to the outlets in order to buy some shoes. I’m going to pressure my aunt to buy something for her belated birthday present, so wish me luck I guess. I’ll check if there’s anything worthwhile in Costco!
Signing off,

4:40 p.m.
So, back from Costco. I actually bought the whole series of Game of Thrones— looking forwards to reviewing them. Not much happened in Costco, except for the fact that I realized that laptops are a way cheaper in the US than in Canada… $500 for a touchscreen windows 8 laptop is super cheap!! #impressed. We bought like $500 worth of groceries anyways. Thought that was kind of hilarious… On our way towards the outlet now—kind of doubting if we will be able to put more stuff into our trunk… It’s pretty full already…
Alright ttyl,

9:14 p.m.
Done shopping. We ended up eating lunch in the car which I thought was a little hilarious, but I’m content, seeing that I got to eat shrimp. I love shrimp. In another life, I’m sure I was born a blue whale or a cat, seeing how much I love fish… Anyways, after lunch, we went right back into the Outlet, and did some more shopping. The outlet closes at 9:00 but we ended up staying a bit later browsing for shoes and stuff. I’m ecstatic about these new boots I got— they’re exactly like Shingeki No Kyojin boots and it’s like AMAZINGU. At leasts the boots part of building up my Shingeki No Kyojin cosplay is done. Now we’re on our way back to our hotel, but we probably won’t get there until at least around 10:00. I hope to be able to log in one more time to update once more before going to sleep. My cousin bought a whole bunch of stuff too. It’s rather ironic because my mom was the only one who bought close to nothing, and she’s the one probably most into shopping.
My birthday present to my aunt ended up being a Coach purse. I think she was pretty happy about it, so it was worth it.
There was an American Eagle that wasn’t that amazing, and there wasn’t any Hollister or Abercrombie which was a bit disappointing, but that’s alright I guess.
Tomorrow we will be on our way to Great Wolf Lodge, and then all the swimming will start. I’m excited— I do love swimming!
Well, I’ll be back with a bit more updates…. Maybe? Hopefully?


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