Thursday, July 25, 2013

Three Cups of Tea

Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin, is a book that my teacher had introduced to me, and suggested that I read. To be honest, I didn't really enjoy it at that time, because I really wasn't into fantasy. However, reading this later on in my life, I finally recognized what a great novel this was.

Three Cups of Tea really puts an insight to the other children in the world, who don't have schools, are illiterate, don't have enough food, and lead very poor lives. This book, on account of a true story of an adventurous man by the name of Greg Mortenson, shows how many other people in poorer countries are living, and this book really shows of a man who sympathized with them. 

'With the first cup of tea you are a stranger.
With the second... A friend.
With the third cup of tea, you are family.'

This book is a really touching tale of an adventure gone haywire and another door opening. Through this adventure, Greg Mortenson lost a lot. Yet whenever there is something to lose, there is also something to gain. Here, he gained confidence, empathy, communication, and the ability to take happiness from the smallest things.

Three Cups of tea really puts an insight to how you think about life and how you find happiness. These children from much poorer countries than we are used to work hard just not to starve to death. It really makes you think about how just because you're 'rich' doesn't mean you're necessarily happy. After all, money can't buy happiness. So what is happiness really? In reality, poorer countries are sometimes full of way more happiness. Why is that? How should we live? In cities where all the buildings are glass, and in a mode of stress, or filling by loving family members, loving friends, and a heart? 

I recommend this book to 11 year olds and up. It may be a bit hard to understand for kids who are too young, but looking back to this book now, I can appreciate how well-written and true it is. 

*** I give this book a 8.5 out of 10!***

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