Wednesday, August 20, 2014

OCD, The Dude, and Me a novel by Lauren Roedy Vaughn

'Here is my current loop of obsessive thoughts:
1.) It bothers me to think about all the upcoming school events that I will be alone for. 
2.)I hate that kids cut in front of me in the lunch line, quickly whipping out their phones so they don't have to talk to me. 
3.)The memory of that day in PE where I was the only person who couldn't run the mile without taking breaks. My classmates, possessed of personal trainers and taut physiques, finished the run in like two seconds. I was gaspoing for air and so sweaty that they probably took bets on whether or not I'd die of a heart attack right before their eyes. I had hoped I would.'

A truly fascinating book. Hilarious, slightly crude, and extremely entertaining, this book is bound to captivate you.

I'm not exactly sure how to describe this book, as it is such a fascinating read, but one thing is totally true. Danielle is certainly and hopelessly OCD. Now, it's not like the 'oh you're so OCD because you need to print stuff out' OCD, but rather 'my mind needs to be organized and stacked in little piles of organized-ness (and yes I am fully aware that that is not a real word) that if I were to talk about it, it would disrupt the organized-ness of my mind' OCD. Not sure if that made any sense, but if it didn't oh well. Welcome to this novel.

Confusing and at the same time very very entertaining, OCD, The Dude, and Me is kind of like a journal explaining the on-goings of Danielle Levine's mental and physical life. And boy, is it interesting! Follow our slightly over-weight, completely OCD protagonist through her archives which consist of essays, rants, journals, e-mails, and other written exchanges. Whoever said being a teen was easy never was OCD.

Lauren Roedy Vaughn writes a great piece that every teen, whether or not you're OCD or not, can connect with. Because honestly, you think you have it bad? At least you're not OCD (no offence, Danielle). This is a book all teens will be able to reflect on. For example, the third thing in her 'loop of obsessive thoughts'? How I feel every PE class.....

I recommend this book to any teens who are feeling like life's not going in their favour (which it rarely actually is). All I can say is... I wish I had an English teacher as nice as that...

***I give this book a 8.7 out of 10!***

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