Thursday, July 19, 2012

Musee D'orsay

Outside Le Musee D'orsay

Here we come to another great Museum- Le Musee D'orsay. Again, there are great artworks, and well as great statues to view and admire. Some paintings include the artwork of Renoir, Degas, Monet, Gogh, Cezanne, Gauguin, Rodin, and other famous as well as less well-known artists, sculptors, and so forth. The paintings were amazing- all the detail that was put into it was almost like a photograph. From dark, gloomy paintings to light paintings that fill up with light, to the grand and powerful Gate to Hell to the smallest of small paintings, they all tell a story, whether about themselves, the things that they believe in, or the things that they know, learned, or love. Musee D'orsay is large- far larger than the Musee De L'orangerie, and perhaps in check with Le Louvre. It would take more than one day to see through it all in detail, actually appreciating it. The artwork that is there is definitely amazing- you will gape at both ones that you have heard of before and definitely know as well as the ones that you have never seen before. Because there is a beauty in seeing ones you have seen before as well as ones you haven't. Because everything is different- even if fifty artists paint the same sunflower, each artist will have a different perspective towards it- and a different way of drawing it. One may use dark colours, and another one may wish to make it bright and neon. I think I like looking at the ways that each artist expressed their thing, or things- that is what makes a painting worth seeing and enjoying. One may copy another, but it may be completely different from what they copied. Because everyone has a different style. There is no 'same' in this world- everyone is unique.
Inside Le Musee D'orsay

If you wish to look at a few more paintings, click the site below:
or type 'paintings in the Musee D'orsay' on Google. First one is probably it.

If you wish to look at a few sculptures, check out;
or type 'sculptures in the Msuee D'orsay' on Google. Again, the first one will be it.

if you wish to visit the Musee D'orsay home site, please check:
or type 'musee D'orsay' on Google. First one!

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